
Project developed in group, which I thank very much for the partnership, I learned a lot from them:

David AlencarWilbelison JuniorNatália DemuriEduardo Separovic e Halyne Nakazawa

Everyone participated in all phases of the process. So, it was with me too, but I got even closer to the processes of discoveries and research with users and prototypes.


How to create a playful study experience for public service providers?
The “Concursando” project arose through the challenge proposed during the Training in UX Design, held at Mergo User Experience, in São Paulo.

The CSD Matrix

was the starting point for talking about what we understood about the topic and what we had doubts and needed to find out. Through this matrix, we elaborated a semi-structured interview script.

User interview

We invited five people who participated in a public contest and would still like to try more often, we used the script to gather information with open questions to better understand the procedure of the process participants for public office and how we could help to solve obstacles in the preparation for the contest.

We developed the UX Research to find out
• Demographic information;
• Behaviors;
• Goals;
• Planning;
• Expectations.

“The biggest difficulty I have is studying on my own, as there are many specific topics that I am unaware of, I only learned about it through the notice. In addition to needing to organize the home routine, son and reconcile everything with studies for the competition exam”.

Priscilla Moreira


Persona (semi-functional profile that represents the user)

For this step we put all the data in a spreadsheet, we use data recorded during the interview on cards of insights that facilitated the organization and agility in the process. After evaluating the data in the spreadsheet, we made a meeting of opinions of our guests to determine from these points in common how our persona would be, we identified the following topics: interests, motivations, frustrations, daily tasks.


Action planning briefing

A great opportunity that we found was to help manage time and organize studies for our Persona “Dalila Cortês”, for that in product thinking, we chose the App development with the value proposal for the Minimum Viable Product *.
Being: “Learn to manage time more efficiently and focus to help achieve your goals and objectives”.

* It is the simplest version of a product that can be launched with a minimum amount of effort and development

What problem do we want to solve?
Help candidates to organize themselves, prepare better for tests and create a pleasant study routine.

How will the product solve this problem?
Based on the assessment of prior knowledge and availability of time, the app assembles a personalized and optimized study plan, stipulating goals, remembering what to study daily and constantly evaluating the evolution.

How does it differ from competitors? (Including Study Groups on Facebook and WhatsApp)
Optimized and personalized routine, goals to be achieved.

Target Audience?
Candidates for public services who do not have a high budget to invest in classroom courses and do not have an organized study routine.

Task flow

We developed the main task flow that meets ours (MVP), in the organization of time for study and placement test with test simulation.

User Flow

Prototype Low 

We designed the App screens on “scribbled” paper, as it is very low cost and fully collaborative. We made the prototype navigable through the Marvel App, to later make usability tests. Browse the low-fidelity prototype!


Prototype High 

After refining with low fidelity, we develop in high fidelity.

Information-rich feedback and simulation closer to the experience of the final product.

The greater the flow, the longer the prototype creation time. We usually separate each step of the product journey. It is necessary to get caught up in some details, both visual and functionalities.


Usability Testing

We invited four women with characteristics in common with our persona to perform the usability test. We collected great feedbacks, as an example of the user Carolina who suggested (Search for contests by area instead of institution). The answers were collected through tasks described in our usability roadmap.

Tasks for test

We did the test with crucial tasks to assess whether the solution proposal was easily assimilated. Whether the proposed flow really makes sense to the user. For example, the proposal to help candidates to organize themselves, and especially to study with conditions to pass.

After the first low test, it was noticeable the inclusion of mechanisms for personalization for users and not only an App to organize themselves, but mainly to gather content to study for the tests.


“If you don’t personalize, the person loses interest‘ Ah, it’s more of an app, I’ll get another one that suits my interests ’. So personalizing is very important ”.

Silvia Correa


Value proposition canva

Finally, we created the value proposition of our product, so that it showed us the benefits that the customer will have when using our product.

We start by mapping our user’s profile: What is important to him? We identify our user’s segment; your tasks; your pains; your earnings; and we prioritize tasks, pains and gains.

Then we move on to the value map of our product, in which we show our earning creators, mapping the list of products and services, painkillers and earning creators.

We then joined the value proposition (benefits of our product) with the user’s profile, to see if it was adequate with what our target audience expects (this occurs when you complete relevant tasks, relieve pain, and create important gains for users).

Value Proposition Canva

What have I learned?

More than tools, I learned to understand processes that help users better understand their desires, pains and movements.

The public services area in Brazil is very disputed, because for many Brazilians it is the only chance to achieve financial stability. And unfortunately there is still a lot of inequality with access to quality materials, internet and tools to help people achieve their goal.